Mike Robinson Land

Cadence rules… What chords sound good after another?

Posted in Music Theory by mikerobinsonland on December 9, 2009
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So know you know how chords are formed. You also know how chords are modified to fit diatonicly within a giving key. Now you might want to know the next step to creating your own chord progressions…Well then you should know about cadence rules.

Cadences rules are basically a guideline as to what chords should good after another. Remember though this is just a guideline. My motto is if it sound good well that’s all that matters.

So let get on with it…keeping it simple in the key of C.

I ii iii IV V vi vii

C Dm Em F G Am Bm

OkĀ  say your on a chord where can you go next…

I chord can go to any

ii chord can go to any except I

iii chord can go to any except I or vii

IV chord can go to any

V chord can go to any except ii and vii

vi chord can go to any except I and vii

vii chord can go to any except ii and IV

Pretty short one today… untill next time



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